Author Archives: Dave

Buried Alive

When I think of the worst ways to die certain things come to mind: falling from a tall building, drowning, and being caught in a fire.  But worst of all is definitely being buried alive.  You would be helpless to do anything.  All you could do is lay there and think about all the people you will miss, the happy moments you’ll never experience again, and all the mistakes you made along the way.  The wait would be horrible, but the hopelessness would trump that!

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Why Nerf Wars?

So right off the bat people are going to ask us about the title “Nerf Wars: A Love Story” and what it all means.  Amanda and I have both been through a lot of crappy relationships.  I think it is safe to say some of them weren’t so pretty when it came down to arguments.  I bet everyone can relate to that.  We’ve seen holes get put through walls/doors, remote controls go flying across the room, and a plethora of 4 letter words that would make a sailor blush.  None of these are very constructive because let’s face it, you don’t want to break shit, and words mean nothing when 30 minutes later you’re saying I love you!  So we take things to a completely different level…

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